Dear Ignite community,

Many of us want to see where Ignite is heading and ask for some sort of a
2020 course/plan/roadmap and a predictable schedule of major releases.
Also, there are intentions to enhance some internal processes and
collaboration approaches.

Let's start moving in that direction by defining 3-5 major changes you
would like to contribute this year personally or will be glad to drive
(like processes changes) and work together with someone else. Dear, Ignite
user community, please share your suggestions as well.

Note, let's use this thread to collect major
topics/directions/features/changes. Just respond with your proposals. Don't
go into arguments if you don't agree with someone's opinions. Once the
topics are collected, we'll create a wiki page and, most likely, will start
working through specific items in focus groups and only then lay out a
cohesive plan with some dates.


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