
Today, I see the following information in the log:

[2020-05-14T16:42:04,346][WARN][query-#7759][IgniteH2Indexing] Indexed columns of a row cannot be fully inlined into index what may lead to slowdown due to additional data page reads, increase index inline size if needed (set system property IGNITE_MAX_INDEX_PAYLOAD_SIZE with recommended size (be aware it will be used by default for all indexes without explicit inline size)) [cacheName=NEW, tableName=NEW, idxName=_key_PK, idxCols=(CO_NUM, CUST_ID), idxType=PRIMARY KEY, curSize=10, recommendedInlineSize=33]

I know that the create index statement has an inline_ size clause, but I want to ask, how to adjust the inline size of primary key?

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