
   I am trying to deploy Ignite Web Console in my local machine and installed 
Mongo Dbversion 4.2 and NodeJs 14.0 versions, Ignite version used is  
However am unable to find paths($IGNITE_HOME/modules/web-console/backend and 
$IGNITE_HOME/modules/web-console/frontend)  in Ignite_home  and  unable to  
create ignite-web-agent-x.x.x.zip

I am getting below error while running below Command. Please suggest how to 
proceed further.

mvn clean package -pl :ignite-web-agent -am -P web-console -DskipTests=true



In order to deploy Ignite Web Console locally, you should install:
·         MongoDB (version >=3.2.x <=3.4.15) follow instructions from site 
·         NodeJS (version >=8.0.0) using installer from site 
https://nodejs.org/en/download/current for your OS.

Download the following dependencies:

·         For backend:
cd $IGNITE_HOME/modules/web-console/backend
npm install --no-optional

·         For frontend:
cd $IGNITE_HOME/modules/web-console/frontend
npm install --no-optional

Building Ignite Web Agent

To build Ignite Web 
 from sources, run the following command from the $IGNITE_HOME folder:
mvn clean package -pl :ignite-web-agent -am -P web-console -DskipTests=true

Once the build process is over, you can find ignite-web-agent-x.x.x.zip in:

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