HI Pavel,

Thank you for the reply. 

>>> *for the end user , is this invoked when we do ignite.getOrCreate( xx )
and ignite.cache(xx )*


getOrCreateCache would create a cache if doesnt exist . I would guess this
would have the effect of starting the cache if doesnt exist . And I think
this would start the PME.

And ignite.cache would only get an instance of the existing cache. In this
case, I would imagine the cache already exists and a reference to the cache
is returned. I would have thought this WOULD NOT have the effect of starting
the cache and hence should not start the PME. 

Please guide. Below is the documentation of getOrCreateCache and
ignite.cache from the javadocs.

getOrCreateCache(CacheConfiguration<K,V> cacheCfg)
Gets existing cache with the given name or creates new one with the given

<K,V> IgniteCache<K,V> cache(String name)
                      throws javax.cache.CacheException
Gets an instance of IgniteCache API. IgniteCache is a fully-compatible
implementation of JCache (JSR 107) specification.


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