I know this was over the holiday so bumping. Can anyone provide any
pointers on where to start looking or anything else mentioned in the
previous email?

On Sat, Dec 26, 2020 at 8:39 PM Courtney Robinson <courtney.robin...@hypi.io>

> We've been using Ignite in production for almost 3 years and we love the
> platform but there are some increasingly frustrating points we run into.
> Before the holidays a few of our engineers started looking around and have
> now presented a serious case for migrating from Ignite. We would end up
> using at least 3 technologies they've identified to bridge the gap left by
> Ignite features but have presented good cases for why managing these
> individually would be a more flexible solution we could grow with.
> I am not keen on the idea as it presents a major refactor that would
> likely take 6 months to get to production but I understand and agree with
> the points they've made. I'm trying to find a middle ground as this seems
> like the nuclear option to me.
> Of the top of my head some things they've raised are:
>    1. Lack of tooling
>       1. Inability to change a column type + no support in schema
>       migration tools that we've found (even deleting the column we can't 
> reuse
>       the name)
>       2. We had to build our own backup solution and even now backup has
>       landed in 2.9 we can't use it directly because we have implemented
>       relatively granular backup to be able to push to S3 compatible APIs 
> (Ceph
>       in our case) and restore partially to per hour granularity. Whilst we've
>       done it, it took some serious engineering effort and time. We considered
>       open sourcing it but it was done in a way that's tightly coupled to our
>       internal stack and APIs.
>       2. Inconsistency between various Ignite APIs.
>       1. Transactions on KV, none of SQL (or now in beta but work seem
>       seems to have paused?)
>       2. SQL limitations - SELECT queries never read through data from
>       the external database
>       3. Even if we implemented a CacheStore we have to load all data
>       into Ignite to use SELECT
>       4. No referential integrity enforcement
>    3. It is incredibly easy to corrupt the data in Ignite persistence.
>    We've gotten better due to operational experience but upgrades (in k8s)
>    still on occasion lead to one or two nodes being corrupt when their pod was
>    stopped
> I'll stop there but the point is, after 3yrs in production the team feels
> like they're always running up against a wall and that Ignite has created
> that wall.
> My goal in writing this is to find out more about why the limitation
> around CacheStore exists, how does Ignite persistence achieve partially
> caching data in memory and pulling from disk if the data is not in memory
> and why can't that apply to a CacheStore as well?
> What would it take to make it so that Ignite's SQL operations could be
> pushed down to a CacheStore implementation?
> Ignite's a relatively large code base, so hints about which
> classes/interfaces to investigate if we're looking to replace Ignite
> persistence would be incredibly useful. My idea at the moment is to have
> Ignite as the in-memory SQL layer with a SQL MPP providing persistence.
> To me right now the path forward is for us to put the work into removing
> these Ignite limitations if possible. We have a mixture of on-premise
> clients for our product as well as a multi-tenant SaaS version - some of
> these on-prem clients depend on Ignite's in-memory capabilities and so we
> can't easily take this away.
> FYI it doesn't have to be CacheStore, I realise this just inherits the
> JCache interface just generally can something like CacheStore be
> implemented to replace the integration that Ignite persistence provides?
> Regards,
> Courtney Robinson
> Founder and CEO, Hypi
> https://hypi.io

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