Many of the discussion threads here will generate a request for the Jave
Ignite thread dump to help triage an issue.

This is not difficult to do with command line Java tooling if you can
easily access the server running the node. However, access to those nodes
may not be simple (especially in production) and requires hands-on manual
intervention to produce.

There does not seem to be a way for an Ignite client (eg: the C# client we
use in our implementation) to ask the local Ignite node to dump the thread
state to the log based on conditions the client itself may determine.

If this is actually the case then please point me at it:) Otherwise, is
this something worth adding to the backlog?


Raymond Wilson
Solution Architect, Civil Construction Software Systems (CCSS)
11 Birmingham Drive | Christchurch, New Zealand
+64-21-2013317 Mobile


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