
I've three servers running tomcat with Ignite 2.10 embedded. If I start all
the nodes from a cold start (all servers stopped) it works well.
But if I stop one of the server nodes and restart it again it gets stuck
joining to the cluster and retrying infinitely with
WARN  [main] o.a.i.s.d.t.TcpDiscoverySpi - Timed out waiting for message
delivery receipt and other timeout messages.

Server1 ( Two wars with  Ignite server embedded
Server2: ( A war with ignite server embedded
Server3: ( A war with Ignite client

The problematic server, is Server1, which gets stuck if it's started while
the Server3 it's also started.
If server3 it's stopped then Server1 starts correctly without getting stuck.

I attach server log from Server1:
And server2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vtxhhg690aorbvo/server2.log?dl=0

And stacktrace of where the Serv1 gets stuck:
wait:-1, Object (java.lang)

joinTopology:1179, ServerImpl (org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp)
spiStart:472, ServerImpl (org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp)
spiStart:2154, TcpDiscoverySpi (org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp)
startSpi:278, GridManagerAdapter (org.apache.ignite.internal.managers)
start:981, GridDiscoveryManager (org.apache.ignite.internal.managers.discovery)
startManager:1968, IgniteKernal (org.apache.ignite.internal)
start:1324, IgniteKernal (org.apache.ignite.internal)
start0:2112, IgnitionEx$IgniteNamedInstance (org.apache.ignite.internal)
start:1758, IgnitionEx$IgniteNamedInstance (org.apache.ignite.internal)
start0:1143, IgnitionEx (org.apache.ignite.internal)
start:663, IgnitionEx (org.apache.ignite.internal)
start:589, IgnitionEx (org.apache.ignite.internal)
start:328, Ignition (org.apache.ignite)

Configuration can be seen in server1 log but basically nodes are configured
with multicast but with giving ips of the two server nodes.

Any help or guidance to find the problem will be heavily appreciated.


Joan Jesús Pujol Espinar

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