Both server node and thin client are on the same computer, each running in a separate Docker container with network „host“. CPU load does not seem to be an issue and other server nodes on the same computer and from other computers connect to the cluster just fine without such connection issues.

I‘ll check the server logs more thoroughly.

On 15.06.22 at 21:14, Pavel Tupitsyn wrote:

From: "Pavel Tupitsyn" <>
Date: 15. June 2022
To: "user" <>
Subject: Re: ThinClient connection refused / disconnect
Idle timeout is disabled by default.

Regarding connection issues, either the server is overloaded and can't accept connections, or there are network issues.
1. Check if the network between client and server is reliable enough (measure speed, check packet loss)
2. Check server logs and resource utilization

On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 5:47 PM <> wrote:

I'm experiencing a connection issue when using Java ThinClient at the
customer site. It is using Ignite 2.13.

 From time to time it happens that the ThinClient cannot connect at
startup and gets a "connection refused". After several tries it
connects, but frequently is "loses" connection again and all further
attempts to use the ignite client instance lead to connection refused
again. Then after some time it connects again.

at java.base/ Method)
at java.base/
... 25 common frames omitted
Suppressed: org.apache.ignite.client.ClientConnectionException:
Connection refused
... 26 common frames omitted
Caused by: Connection refused
at java.base/ Method)
at java.base/

I can see there is a idle time out but I'm not setting this. So I assume
the default value 0 means that no timeout should happen?


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