
Can you please share your ClientConfiguration?

On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 2:41 PM Bernáth Máté <mate.bern...@intalion.hu>

> Hello,
> The following is our experience using the Apache Ignite.
> We use the Apache Ignite for java applications. These applications are
> part of ESB applications.
> For the client connection (between our java application and apache ignite
> server) we use the java thin client connection.
> First we start the apache ignite server. When we start our java
> application the connection is successfully created to the Apache Ignite
> server. The connection is only created once in the java application. After
> the Apache Ignite server is restarted our application call the apache
> ignite to get some data, after that our java application throws this
> exception: org.apache.ignite.client.ClientConnectionException: Channel is
> closed. After few unsuccessful  data requests (1-10 requests) to the apache
> ignite server our java application get the requested data successfully.
> We use these java classes to build connection between our java application
> and apache ignite server:
>    - org.apache.ignite.configuration.ClientConfiguration
>    - org.apache.ignite.client.IgniteClient
> We also tried to configure the ClientConfiguration java class with
> setReconnectThrottlingPeriod and setReconnectThrottlingRetries methods, but
> it didn’t help to get data faster if the apache ignite server is restarted.
> Versions we use:
>    - Apache Ignite server: 2.13.0
>    - Used jar to client connection: ignite-core-2.13.0.jar (
>    https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.ignite/ignite-core/2.13.0
>    )
> Is it the default and expected behavior when we use java thin client
> connection?
> Best regards,
> *Máté Bernáth*
> Developer
> Intalion Group
> E-mail: mate.bern...@intalion.hu <%20mate.bern...@intalion.hu>
> Mobile: +36 70 428 5671
> Phone: +36 1 999 6197
> H-1012 Budapest, Vérmező út 4.
> <https://www.intalion.hu/>
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