
you're trying to employ two different uses of GivenStories anchors which are not meant to used together.

If you want to use parametrised GivenStories by examples row, you should specify the examples table in the scenario that invokes the given story and use the anchor to specify the row:

Scenario: A - 1

Meta: @id1 scenario1

Given actions with <Apara1>
When ...


Scenario: B - 1
GivenStories: A.story#{0}


If you want to filter by scenario anchor then provide the name:value pair as the anchor.


Scenario: B - 2
GivenStories: A.story#{id2:scenario2}

Combining the two is not possible.

As a side note, it does seem that your setup is particularly complicated and perhaps you should consider simplifying it by separating concerns.


On 15/10/2014 05:27, Zheng, Ayesha(AWF) wrote:

Hi all,

I have a problem about GivenStories.

Assume A.story has 2 or more scenarios:

Scenario: A - 1

Meta: @id1 scenario1

Given actions with <Apara1>

When ...




Scenario: A-2

Meta: @id2 scenairo2

Given ...

Examples: A2.table

B.story want to run only scenario A-1 for prepare with different data.


Scenario: B - 1

GivenStories: A.story#{id1:scenario1}#{0} àProblem here.

Given actions with <Bpara1> and <Bpara2>

When ...




My problem is:

How can I use givenStories to match follow requirements:

1.Run only Scenario A-1 in A.story.

2.Pass data in Table Row 0 to givenStories A-1.

3.Run Scenario B-1 with example data.

Thanks very much.

Best Regards,


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