Hi Brent,

the license of JBehave is BSD-style license - a rather standard and liberal license.

It means that you cannot provide a product or consulting service and claim it is on behalf of the JBehave project or its contributors.

It does allow you to build on top of JBehave extension tools or other services, provided you give proper credit to the upstream libraries you use for your tool or service.

We can discuss it in more detail offline if you want.


On 05/03/2015 15:30, Brent Barker wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Who would I contact to talk about the license of JBehave? The license specifically states:

    |Neither the name of JBehave nor the names of its contributors may
    be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
    without specific prior written permission.|

What we are trying to do is offer Selenium Automation consulting services to to other companies using different automation framework tools, including JBehave.

We simply want to say we will help you get started with automation. We have some pre-built examples they can pull from, and let them pick from this list of different tools, then we would help them implement some tests. JBehave is one of the tools we want to offer help with to get started. Is this allowed? Or can we get the written permission to use JBehave's name?


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