By default jclouds will retry HTTP commands 5 times.  You can configure
this by setting jclouds.max-retries in the ContextBuilder overrides.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 11:41:30AM -0700, Manisha Eleperuma wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to know how many times by default the JCloud API retries the
> instance creation in AWS? Does AWS explicity specify an amount?
> According to AWS docs, we need to specifically set the maxErrorRetry count
> to 0 to stop AWS doing retrying.
> Each AWS SDK implements automatic retry logic. The AWS SDK for Java
> automatically retries requests, and you can configure the retry settings
> using the ClientConfiguration class. For example, in some cases, such as a
> web page making a request with minimal latency and no retries, you might
> want to turn off the retry logic. Use the ClientConfiguration class and
> provide a maxErrorRetry value of 0 to turn off the retries.
> Please confirm.
> Thanks and Regards
> Manisha
> -- 
> ~Regards
> *Manisha Eleperuma*
> Software Engineer, Cloud TG
> WSO2, Inc.:
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> *blog:
> <>*

Andrew Gaul

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