Try calling outputStream.flush() since it is a BufferedOutputStream.
Generally easier to use the Guava helpers in these situations, e.g.,
Files.asByteSink(File).writeFrom(InputStream), which handles resource
management for you.  Also do not forget to close all the InputStream and

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 12:45:07PM +0100, Sofiane Soulfly wrote:
> I tried your solution and the problem is that it creates a temp file,
> which is empty. My objective is to download the file and its content.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:      Re: Download file from Swift
> Date:         Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:01:34 +0000
> From:         Everett Toews <>
> Reply-To:
> To: <>
> What version of jclouds are you using?
> Try this…
> ObjectApi objectApi = cloudFiles.getObjectApi(REGION, CONTAINER);
> SwiftObject swiftObject = objectApi.get("uploadObjectFromFile.txt”);
> // Write the object to a file
> File file = File.createTempFile("uploadObjectFromFile", ".txt");
> BufferedOutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new 
> FileOutputStream(file));
> ByteStreams.copy(swiftObject.getPayload().openStream(), outputStream);
> Everett
> On Dec 22, 2014, at 6:23 AM, Sofiane Soulfly <> wrote:
> > Hello everybody,
> > 
> > after I uploaded successfully a text file to Swift, now I want download
> > that file into my file system.
> > I tried with ObjectApi.get but nothing was downloaded.
> > Thank you.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > SB

Andrew Gaul

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