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Bulk delete does not work with either SLO or DLO objects.  Swift has
some problems with this as you should have discovered in this bug


On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 05:53:26AM +0000, Archana C wrote:
> Thanks.
> Is the case same for DLO. 
> Looking at jclouds-1.9 source, I am able to observe that for removeBlobs API 
> call, we internally trigger removeBlob for each element is iterable. Is that 
> the expected way for bulk-delete DLO uploads.
> RegardsArchana 
>     On Wednesday, 17 May 2017, 23:24, Andrew Gaul <g...@apache.org> wrote:
>  This is likely a limitation of the Swift API.
> On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 12:10:47PM +0000, Archana C wrote:
> > Hi 
> > I am trying to perform bulk-delete operation on a container.
> > Request looks something like this{method=DELETE, 
> > endpoint=http://x.x.x.x:8091/v1/AUTH_62cdd842bcf44023b987196add34951e?bulk-delete,
> >  headers={Accept=[application/json], 
> > X-Auth-Token=[5c94641e6a4146f1a9857d6892206bbb]}, payload=[content=true, 
> > contentMetadata=[cacheControl=null, contentDisposition=null, 
> > contentEncoding=null, contentLanguage=null, contentLength=41, 
> > contentMD5=null, contentType=text/plain, expires=null], written=false, 
> > isSensitive=false]}
> > http://x.x.x.x:8091/v1/AUTH_62cdd842bcf44023b987196add34951e?bulk-delete
> > For Non MPU uploads, bulk-delete works fine. But in case of bulk-delete on 
> > multipart uploaded files, only the manifest file get removed, the segments 
> > remains.
> > Is there something missing ?
> > RegardsArchana
> -- 
> Andrew Gaul
> http://gaul.org/

Andrew Gaul

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