On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 09:38:19AM +0100, Jean-Noël Rouvignac (ForgeRock) wrote:
> Thanks for highlighting ListenableFuture for a start. Given the size of
> jclouds (about 400kLOC of production code with a stupid wc -l) and my
> inexperience of its codebase, I need help to know where to start. :)
> I'll see what I can do about it. Do you want to create an issue that
> describes this work and what you expect out of it?
> You also mentioned that some public APIs return `ImmutableMap`. Have these
> methods been deprecated in favour of an overload returning a `Map`?

I think opening a JIRA issue describing the possible improvements makes
sense since this spans several PRs (and we should open issues for all
functional changes to make release notes work anyway).  ImmutableMap is
another good place to start -- some style guides suggest returning
ImmutableMap instead of Map to hint at immutability but this
unnecessarily makes the interface reliant on Guava.  I would have to
look at interface-maven-plugin again to see everything but unfortunately
I ran into issues with the way jclouds uses public access across

Andrew Gaul

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