Hmm. Could you open a JIRA for this at I'll dig
into it.


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Mohan Baruwal Chhetri <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to create an instance on Ninefold using the JClouds API.
>         ComputeServiceContext computeServiceContext =
> ContextBuilder.newBuilder("ninefold-compute").
>                 credentials(identity, credentials).
>                 endpoint("";).
>                 modules(modules).
>                 overrides(p).
>                 buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class);
>         ComputeService computeService =
> computeServiceContext.getComputeService();
> I have changed the endpoint to point to the api version 2.0.
> I then create a template where I specify explicitly the imageId,
> locationId and hardwareId
> Template template = computeService.templateBuilder().options(tOptions).
>                 imageId("<Image-ID>").
>                 locationId("<Location-ID").
>                 hardwareId("Hardware-ID").build();
> However, when I try to create an image as follows:
>        try {
>             computeService.createNodesInGroup("mohan", 1, template);
>         } catch (RunNodesException ex) {
> Logger.getLogger(CloudStackSCBClient.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE,
> null, ex);
>         }
> I get an "imageId not found" exception.
> On examining the logs I see that the query to retrieve templates is as
> follows:
> But in the CloudStackAPI, it says that we need to specify the project id
> as well in order to get details of the private templates. The above query
> retrieves only the public templates.
> How do I specify the CloudStack specific project id as part of my request?
> I've tried to use the CloudStackTemplateOptions where I specify the
> projectId as part of the user metadata as well as part of the properties
> that can be used to override the default properties when instantiating the
> ComputeServiceContext.
> I couldn't find any working example to show how to create instances on
> cloud infrastructure built using CloudStack.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Mohan

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