Actually, in 1.6, don't you still need to go the CONTEXT_TOKEN route? i.e.,

EC2Client ec2Client =

I thought unwrapApi wasn't available on async-enabled services...


On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 6:43 AM, Andrew Phillips <> wrote:

> Here the nodes will be represented using NodeMetaData having standard
>> attributes which hold true for all the cloud providers. What if I wish to
>> access say aws-ec2 specific attributes without compromising on the generic
>> code which hold true across vendors?
> If you need to get access at AWS-specific APIs or classes, you can
> "unwrap" [1] the context to access the underlying API [2]:
> AWSEC2Api awsApi = context.unwrapApi(AWSEC2Api.**class);
> If you only use the API in places where provider-specific logic is
> required, the remainder of the code should remain generic. See this recent
> thread [3] for an example of testing for a specific backing provider before
> unwrapping.
> ap
> [1] http://javadocs.jclouds.****
> View.html#unwrapApi(java.lang.**Class)<>
> [2]**jclouds/blob/master/providers/**
> aws-ec2/src/main/java/org/**jclouds/aws/ec2/<>
> [3] 

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