Hi, I was trying using Azure Storage Service operations but facing problems uploading a Page Blob.
Requirement: Uploading a VHD, creating a custom image & hence a VM out of it (using REST API/JClouds support). Blocking Issue: Using Storage Account name & primary access key as credentials, I successfully created a storage container but while creating a PAGE BLOB, I was getting AzureStorageResponseException. Doing something like this: AzureBlobClient blobClient = AzureBlobClient.class.cast(context.unwrap(AzureBlobApiMetadata.CONTEXT_TOKEN).getApi()); AzureBlob newBlob = blobClient.newBlob(); File f = new File("C:\\sample.txt"); newBlob.getProperties().setName("<blobname>"); newBlob.setPayload(f); newBlob.getProperties().setContainer("<containername>"); MutableBlobPropertiesImpl properties = (MutableBlobPropertiesImpl) newBlob.getProperties(); properties.setType(BlobType.PAGE_BLOB); blobClient.putBlob("<containername>", newBlob); Is there a way to upload a file >64MB using PutBlob(Blob Type: PAGE BLOB) operation ? Is PUT PAGE(Windows Azure REST API) support provided by JClouds ? Can I get a sample implementation/examples for the same. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciable. Thanks, Kriti