I've had a look and I think we can get rid of the shopt command with
little changes. I've filed an issue to keep track of this:

On 13 September 2013 23:09, Ignasi <ignasi.barr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nishant, could you share the ami id of that image and the details of the
> failure?
> I extensively test jclouds-chef with Ubuntu AMIs (with the wrapper script)
> and it works.
> El 13/09/2013 23:01, "Nishant Chandra" <nishant.chan...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> It fails on Ubuntu. I tried that before moving to Amazon AMI.
>> On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Ignasi <ignasi.barr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Glad to hear it works!
>>> Yes. You'll see a symlink in your home pointing to the script that is
>>> actually executed. You can read it to have a better understanding of how it
>>> works.
>>> Zack: do you know an AMI that doesn't support that? I'll have a look and
>>> try to build a working wrapper.
>>> El 13/09/2013 22:21, "Nishant Chandra" <nishant.chan...@gmail.com>
>>> escribió:
>>>> I am using Amazon linux 64 bit AMI.
>>>> Thanks Ignasi. I could debug and realized that if I wrap it in init
>>>> script and gave full path to the script i.e.
>>>> .addStatement(exec("/home/ec2-user/run.sh")), then it worked.
>>>> So is it that temporary scripts are created in /tmp and user scripts are
>>>> executed from there?
>>>> On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 12:57 AM, Zack Shoylev
>>>> <zack.shoy...@rackspace.com> wrote:
>>>>> I have seen some images that do not support bash-shopt which is what
>>>>> jclouds uses to wrap scripts (in the header).
>>>>> What image is being used?
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: Ignasi [ignasi.barr...@gmail.com]
>>>>> Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 2:19 PM
>>>>> To: user@jclouds.incubator.apache.org
>>>>> Subject: Need help running scripts on EC2
>>>>> A couple considerations:
>>>>> * You don't have to manually render the script. You can directle pass
>>>>> the 'exec("foo")' to the submitScriptOnNode method and jclouds will take
>>>>> care of rendering it properly depending on the type of the Template being
>>>>> deployed.
>>>>> * Why don't you want to wrap it in the init script? If you wrap it
>>>>> (which is done by default), you will see a directory created in /tmp
>>>>> containing files with the stdout and the stderr for the script. You can 
>>>>> tail
>>>>> them to see the progress, or paste them here to diagnose what can be going
>>>>> on.
>>>>> * By default jclouds waits until the script completes, so if the server
>>>>> is started in the foreground by your script, it may not terminate, and the
>>>>> returned future will wait forever. If this is the case, perhaps a better
>>>>> approach would be to wrap your script in a nohup.
>>>>> HTH
>>>>> Ignasi
>>>>> On Friday, 13 September 2013, Andrew Phillips wrote:
>>>>>>> The script does not start. The script starts a server and exits,
>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>> like java -jar somejar.jar
>>>>>> Have you tried putting any "echo starting > /my/log/file" statements
>>>>>> in the script, just to see if it even ever gets invoked?
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> ap
>>>> --
>>>> Nishant Chandra
>>>> Bangalore, India
>>>> Cell : +91 9739131616
>> --
>> Nishant Chandra
>> Bangalore, India
>> Cell : +91 9739131616

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