Hi, I have been using devstack for few weeks now and stumbled on this issue which need to clear for my understanding..
I have configured devstack and I am able to create instance etc. Using the nova APIs I have am able to list-images etc. I can also do #nova availability-zone-list which returns *Name Status * *nova Available* When I try to get the zones from jclouds ... ... ... ComputeServiceContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(provider) .credentials(username,password) .endpoint(endpoint) .buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class); compute = context.getComputeService(); nova = context.unwrap(); zones = nova.getApi().getConfiguredZones(); ..... ..... ..... I get a ResourceNotFoundException..I have attached the complete details in the gist below.. My question is if I available-zone-list returns valid value, should I get the same from getConfiguredZones() and if yes, why does jclouds APIs returns ResourceNotFoundException. https://gist.github.com/vksuktha/431d8c2188894f47217 -- Regards Vijay Sukthankar