I think this is not supported right now but support for it will be added soon. Let's see if somebody else can chime in as well.
________________________________ From: Molnár Mihály László [lacik...@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 9:10 AM To: user@jclouds.incubator.apache.org Subject: openstack/nova-api define network Hi all! I'm using jcloud through brooklyn<http://brooklyncentral.github.io/index.html> and I have a little problem. Openstack doesnt work well, when I create an instance without sending network parameter in restapi calls. Details<http://openstack.markmail.org/thread/k6jc4sli5hsdalze>. My question is that if jclouds supports defining the network for the instance? I mean to send restapi calls like this: {"server": {"name": "Ubuntu", "imageRef": "a8c46c40-e0f8-4904-a21f-46901be91f4f", "key_name": "key", "flavorRef": "2", "max_count": 1, "min_count": 1, "networks": [{"uuid": "ff74b46a-1ab4-4a97-91c7-21c95485aa34"}, {"uuid": "49aa37da-29c8-4314-b575-d705771b5361"}], "security_groups": [{"name": "default"}]}} Its interesting because both brooklyn and jcloud is a huge project and it takes a lot of time to get familiar with the code and maybe add this functionality or a workaround. Any help appreciated! Thanks! Rusty