Do you use CacheManager ?
You should remove any plugin and activate GC logs to check it's not GC ?
How is CPU on JMeter stack ?


On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 9:09 PM, Robin D. Wilson <> wrote:

> >Maybe then there is a problem with the scanning of the HTML to extract the
> embedded resources, or maybe one of the embedded resources is a tar-pit.
> If this were the case, I would expect the first sample to show the problem.
> The fact that it does 600+ iterations without a problem - and _then_ stalls
> seems like it rules out any problem with the returned HTML (especially
> since
> the only difference in the returned result is the username supplied by
> JMeter).
> >Do all the expected embedded resources get downloaded?
> Zero errors (even with the pauses there are no errors at all).
> >Are there any unusually long elapsed times for embedded resources?
> I see the 'max request duration' jump up right after the pause - but it is
> only 10-11 seconds (not ~35 seconds like the pause).
> >Or large gaps between the parent sample download completion and the start
> of the first embedded resource?
> Not that I can see... I'll see if I can get more detail on this.
> >That would suggest the page took a while to parse.
> I would assume that because this happens ~600+ iterations into the test
> (the
> first time), that if it was related to parsing the page, I would see it
> earlier in the test run cycle. And I wouldn't expect a parsing problem to
> repeat on such a consistent basis - without happening on every sample.
> Right
> now, if it is a parsing problem, it only happens the ~600th time it sees
> the
> same page, which seems really surprising to me (then it happens again after
> another ~600 iterations, etc.). Also, I would expect the parser to take up
> some CPU and perhaps even some I/O cycles, but the PerfMon shows idle
> during
> the pause period.
> >You'll need to select the optiion to "save subresults" in order to see the
> embedded samples.
> ...
> >BTW, you wrote you were running JMeter 2.4.1 - that does not exist, so
> perhaps you meant the current version, 2.5.1?
> Sorry, I meant 2.4.  I didn't upgrade to 2.5 (and beyond) because of a
> previously reported problem where 2.5+ slows down my throughput to about
> 60%
> of what I get on 2.4.
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Philippe Mouawad.

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