Is your applications / app has set the connection pool properly?

2013/3/13 Perf Test <>

> Dear experts,
> This is with regard to analyzing performance test results, I have tested
> performance of an application and obtained following results from jmeter,
> For 100 users load;
> Login page request 10 sec ,
> Login to app 15 sec
> Creator customer 20 sec
>  I have to prepare a report for the same, I'm not sure about what are the
> exact or near reasons which are pertaining to my test results (i.e. why app
> responses such slow) which I could mentioned under ‘conclusion’. part in
> the report.
> After discussing I have set the benchmarking for the above areas before
> starting the test
> I have checked the throughput as well, it is below 1 transaction per second
> in most cases, Application in test environment and I have analyzed CPU
> usage, memory, Netwotk I/O etc.
> I need to suggest our client mentioning areas need to improve in
> application, what are the areas in app I should mention i need to mention
> in order to get better performance (which is 3 to 4 sec).
> Network, the amount of memory, CPU usage seems Ok.what about app?
> Thanks,
> Sam

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