
Yes, you can go for badboy or blazemeter. But in my opinion Jmeter inbuilt
proxy recording is the best with abilities to  save the recording.xml.

I have done loadtesting for salesforce crm. There, I had to do atleast 100+
correlations for a complete business scenario and so on. On those kind of
cases you will feel lost with badboy or blazemeter.

On Dec 22, 2016 4:27 PM, "sachin Dhote" <sjdh...@gmail.com> wrote:

Record scripts with blazemeter plugin or badboy software and then run these
scripts in jmeter
On Dec 21, 2016 5:14 PM, "Anil Gaur" <anilg...@live.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to record the script for Angular JS based application. but I
> ma not able to record any single script because of certificate issue on IE
> and Chrome. And Firefox its not recording the script without any
> certificate error.
> Fir certificate issue i have already imported certificate from bin folder
> using following steps:-
> Steps are as follw
> 1)Start your jmeter recorder.
> 2)try to open your website .
> 3)go to j meter bin folder you wil find .crt file generated over there.
> 4)add that certificate file into browser (normal browser certificate
> installation)
> 5) restart browser and jmeter recorder and try recording
> but again its not working.Now I am blank and not got any single solution
> to resolve this issue.
> So please help me how to over come from this problem.
> Jmeter Version:-2.13 r1665067
> IE Version:-11.0.9600.17843
> Chrome Version:-Version 55.0.2883.87 m (64-bit)
> Thanks & Regards'
> Anil Gaur

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