Recording is ok. To avoid annoying browser's warning, I use my own proxy
keystore. The keystore is made of 2 certificates, * (alias1)
and * (alias2). By setting  proxy.cert.alias=alias1 i can use
the * proxy certificate. By setting proxy.cert.alias=alias2 i
can use the * proxy certificate.
How cai I use both?
Michele Masè

On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 3:59 PM, Philippe Mouawad <> wrote:

> Hello,
> If it's just for recording, just install JMerer certificate in browser as
> per:
> Script_Recorder
> Installing the JMeter CA certificate for HTTPS recording
> If not, can you clarify?
> Thanks
> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 10:17 AM, Michele Mase' <>
> wrote:
> > I'm using the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder with a custom proxy server
> > certificate.
> > The keystore is made of 2 aliases, alias1 and alias2
> > I can use one at time, by setting the property
> > proxy.cert.alias=alias1
> > in
> > For alias2, by setting
> > proxy.cert.alias=alias2
> > i can use the second alias.
> > Is it possible to use alias1 and alias2 together? (like
> > proxy.cert.alias=alias1,alias2)
> > alias1 is a wildchard certificate for * domain
> > alias2 is a wildchard certificate for * domain
> > I should test a webapp that uses both domains.
> > Best Regards
> > Michele MAsè
> >
> --
> Cordialement.
> Philippe Mouawad.

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