if i may ask, why is there such a requirement? it might lead to unnecessary
queuing at the server leading to an exponential increase in response time

On Sat, 15 Sep 2018, 09:43 Nayak, Soumya R., <sna...@firstam.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Can you please let me know like what is the best way to put delay between
> HTTP requests.
> In bean shell sampler pre processor I had used  "Thread.sleep(millis) " ,
> what I observed was if I run using one user and after coming of the
> response it sleeps for the specified time and then sends.
> Is there anything where we can send requests exactly at the specified time
> without considering the response time of the previous requests.
> For example : I submitted a HTTP request with one user at 1:00:00 PM and
> the response came at 1:00:50 PM , now my thread will sleep (let say delay
> of 60 seconds) and fire another http request at 1:01:50 Pm but my
> requirement is to fire the request at exactly 1:01:00 PM rather than
> considering the 50 seconds of response time.
> Is there any way of achieving this?
> Also please let me know if in JMeter its possible to submit requests
> asynchronously?
> Regards,
> Soumya
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