Am 23.09.2021 22:03, schrieb Felix Schumacher:
Thanks, got it.

It seems, that the problem comes from the column responseMessage
containing a long text surrounded with quotes. When I replace it with
the short text SOMETHING, a better report will be produced.

Please open a bug, so that it can be handled properly without getting

After reading it seems, that the observed behaviour is intentional:

"... A request summary graph showing the Success and failed requests (*Transaction Controller Sample Results are not taken into account*) percentage"

Since in your file are only transaction controller results (subresults=false), no *request* can be found and the report looks strange.

Therefor this is more an enhancement request for displaying transaction controller results and a bug report about strange values in the result table (which the OP didn't show in your first email).


(If someone with more knowledge of the reporter would chime in, I
would not be angry :))

Am 23.09.21 um 21:14 schrieb Deepak Chaudhari:

Sent .JTL you separately because of security, privacy issues.

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 12:27 AM Felix Schumacher
<> wrote:

Am 23.09.21 um 20:10 schrieb Deepak Chaudhari:

Thanks for your reply.
I'm using JMeter 5.5 snapshot version
This happens after adding below property in file:

Also the error section in the HTML dashboard report is blank despite
many errors during the test.

So, the question remains: Can you post a simple jtl file, that
exhibits this behaviour?

Or at least have a look for yourself into your jtl file and see, if
the error results are there.


PS always remember, that we have no access to your computer or your
screen or your ideas and guessing missing information is tedious and
error prone

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 11:24 PM Felix Schumacher
<> wrote:

Hi Deepak,

I think we need more information to help you here.

Which version of JMeter, Java, OS are you using? Is there anything
in the jmeter.log file or the stdout, that could help?

Can you post a simple jtl file, that exhibits this behaviour?

Am 22.09.21 um 18:12 schrieb Deepak Chaudhari:

Requests summary is blank in JMeter HTML dashboard report. Why so?

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