        When  I using jndi in osgi, the "javax.naming" package is required.
But because "javax.naming" package is not direct refereced in the java's
source code(; So the generated bundle's Import-Package header doesn't
contains "javax.naming" package;
        Although the karaf's etc/jre.properties  file could define
"javax.naming" to be exportable from boot class loader. But because we
doesn't declare import  for "javax.naming" package in bundle,so  a
ClassNotFound Exception will still occurs;
        So we want the package "javax.naming" which could be used, even
there is not import declaration in bundle;
        To support this,  I can only define
org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation  system property in karaf's startup
        So I am wondering if karaf could support a configure file which
allow we configure the " org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation" ?  if so , it's
easy to use control boot delegation;

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