-b is a specific parameter used by JBoss. JBoss populates several args with that in the jboss-service.xml.

To set the IP address used by the RMI server (in any system), you have to use the following Java arg:


If you use it will be bound to all IP address:


You can bind to a specific IP address or hostname:


You have to set that in the karaf startup script.

You have the detail of the RMI properties here:


On 04/21/2011 06:36 PM, Certus Technology wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried a couple of things:

Setting -b as a jvm argument prevents the jvm from starting.
Unrecognized option: -b

Passing -b to the karaf main (org.apache.karaf.main.Main) has
no effect on which IP addresses the rmiRegistryPort binds to.

Can you clarify what you mean?



On 21/04/11 16:58, Achim Nierbeck wrote:
There is just one thing that comes to my mind, when staring the jvm
you can tell wich ip address to bind on through the -b param
e.g. -b0.0.0.0 does bind on all interfaces on the server. it might be
possible by configuring this through the system.properties or you
need to change the startup skript for that.

regards, Achim

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