For greater efficiency, you may wish to convert to features (predefined groupings of bundles): so you can install one feature at once instead of installing bundle-by-bundle. This will also speed up your redeployment process because it's easy to quickly drop and reinstall/reactivate all bundles making up a feature by using the up-and-down arrow keys (history keys) within the Karaf console after Maven has finished installing the updated bundles within your Maven repository.

Talend's open-source Integration Factory (providing a preconfigured wrap of Camel & Karaf), in its examples download[1], maintains a separate "features" project that holds the bundle information for each of the examples--actually, same story with the examples in Talend Service Factory (CXF) download. This design allows you to keep all features configuration in a single place instead of with each subproject.

Eclipse should ideally just be for coding, as for not waiting for "the full Maven build", I would look into modularizing your work so that a Maven build of whatever subsystem you're working on won't take that much time.


[1] (User Documentation and Examples section).

On 07/22/2011 10:59 AM, Travis Klotz wrote:
So what are developers that are building applications that will run in
Karaf using for a development environment?  I'm going to be building a
fairly large number of camel based OSGi bundles that will be running
in Karaf.  Up to this point I have been building simple apps in
eclipse, installing a bundle into my local maven repository and then
starting up an external copy of Karaf and installing/updating the
bundle using a mvn:XXXXX url.   For my experiments this has worked
well enough, but it is a bit of a long feedback loop.   What are other
people doing for an application development setup?   Is there any way
to not have to leave eclpse or wait for a full maven build for each
build/deploy iteration?



Glen Mazza
Application Integration Division
Talend (

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