Hey Giacomo,

Well, paxexam-karaf completely relays on pax exams features in this context. Since there is no such feature in pax exam right now (at least I don't know a workaround) it's also not possible in paxexam-karaf. BUT maybe Toni or Harald know some internal workaround/hack to make this possible. Best to ask on the ops4j general list [1] for this feature.

Kind regards,

[1] http://lists.ops4j.org/mailman/listinfo/general

On 02/08/2012 05:30 PM, Giacomo Coletta wrote:


It’s sometime I’m using the karaf integration test framework and it works nicely.

I usually run many tests in the same karaf instance.

Up to now i only was able to properly configure, start karaf and run the tests in the same test class.

Now the number of test is growing and i would like to put tests relating to different aspects in different classes, just to find them more easily, but anyway i would like not to have to configure and restart karaf several times, to save time.

Any of you know how this could be done ?



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