I can confirm that karaf 2.2.9 fixed our issues with jre 6u33+.

kind regards,

On 09/10/12 14:16, Achim Nierbeck wrote:
> Hi Bengt,
> to my knowledge Karaf 2.2.9 uses a 0.3.1 (or higher) which also
> includes the corresponding Bug-Fix and therefore should work.
> regards, Achim
> 2012/10/9 Bengt Rodehav <be...@rodehav.com>:
>> Just a question since I've seen that Karaf 2.3.0 is in the works.
>> I've just encountered a bug in Aries Proxy 0.3 (Aries-908 in JIRA) that
>> causes Proxy 0.3  to fail with JVM 1.6.0_33 and later. This has been fixed
>> in Aries but I noticed that Karaf 2.2.9 still uses Proxy 0.3. Karaf 2.3.0
>> seems to have been upgrade to Proxy 1.0 (which should work).
>> Are there any plans to release a Karaf 2.2.10 with a new proxy version?
>> Otherwise, I believe many people may encounter the same problem I did when
>> upgrading their JVM version. For me personally I'm waiting for the 2.3.0 to
>> be released and then I'll upgrade my custom distribution. Not sure how
>> people generally do this but a 2.2.10 with an upgraded proxy might be needed
>> for some people.
>> /Bengt

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