Hi Christian,

Using authz actually does not make any difference to the response someone
will get when not authenticated. The JAASAuthenticationFilter will continue
to press for credentials with a HTTP 401 response code. Where the
JAASAuthenticationFeature will just fail with an ugly error message and a
500 server error.

For sanity I took your Karaf-Tutorial and added a few REST annotations to
the JAXWS service and also wedged a jaxrs:server configuration into the
blueprint. Authentication and authorization seems to work ok as long as
there is a valid auth header in the HTTP request:

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET -u karaf:karaf

But trying to access the resource unauthenticated and asking to get a
application/json response explicitly the only thing I get back is a bunch
of XML garbage:

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET
Authentication required but no user or password was

Here I would expect a HTTP 401 response instead of XML and a HTTP 500
Server Error. As said before, for a proper REST experience one would need
to use JAASAuthenticationFilter but this component should not be disabling
the useDoAs on the JAASLoginInterceptor.


On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 11:10 PM, Christian Schneider <
ch...@die-schneider.net> wrote:

>  Have you tried to use only the JAASAuthenticationFeature
> together with blueprint authz for Rest?
> Maybe it works better.
> Christian

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