When I look into the source I see that the hikari pooling checks for the
prefix "hikari.". Maybe you can set a breakpoint there and check what it
actually does.



2017-11-20 22:47 GMT+01:00 Leschke, Scott <slesc...@medline.com>:

> How does one configure the underlying connection pool when using Pax JDBC
> DataSourceFactory?  I’ve been using this for a while and recently
> discovered it’s not behaving as I intended. I’m using Hikari as my CP, and
> want to configure the following Hikari properties:
> poolName
> maximumPoolSize
> minimumIdle
> idleTimeout
> maxLifetime
> I’ve been prefixing each of these “hikari.” (which I concluded was the
> proper way to do it some months ago), but it appears that Hikari is using
> defaults.
> When I configure as follows,
> hikari.poolName        = Composite Enterprise Data
> hikari.maximumPoolSize = 1
> hikari.minimumIdle     = 0
> hikari.idleTimeout     = 28800000
> hikari.maxLifetime     = 0
> I immediately get 10 connections to the datastore, even before a
> connection is actually requested to run a query (Cisco Information Server
> (aka, Composite)).
> This would be the default behavior if none of the above get used.  I also
> tried prefixing with “pool.” btw (which makes more sense to me), but get
> the same behavior.
> Scott

Christian Schneider

Computer Scientist

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