How I start karaf and stop it immediately after it has started?

The platform is karaf 4.1.4 on debian GNU/linux, on amd64.
The karaf is unpacked from a tarball.

The reason I want to do start and stop karaf, is to modify the etc files
that are touched by a startup, so that they get the exact same md5
checksum they get after karaf has modified them, before I package up
karaf to become a .deb package.

I'm trying to improve my deb package and the /etc/karaf files showed up
as modified, even though I hadn't touched them.

I eventually figured out that it was karaf touching them.  Some are
changed a little (they get a lf at the end of the last line), and some
are changed more.

That the date changes doesn't change the files' behaviour in a .deb
package.  But the content changing (and therefore the md5 checksum
changing) affects the behaviour.

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