
> On 5 Nov 2018, at 12:59, Erwin Hogeweg <erwin.hoge...@me.com> wrote:
> Thanks Tim,
>> It looks like you haven’t installed the XML discovery provider.
> Actually I did add the aries-rsa-discovery-local feature but that didn’t make 
> a difference.
>> Also, did you put the XML file(s) in the right place in your bundle and add 
>> the relevant manifest header to point the discovery at the location in the 
>> bundle containing your XML file(s)?
> Yes, the remote-services bundle does work in a CXF-3.1.1/DOSGi-1.7.0 
> environment.

What we’re configuring here is a file-based discovery. It’s good to know that 
the service can be correctly exported though :).

>> See: Aries RSA local discovery 
>> <https://github.com/apache/aries-rsa/tree/d7344bb15781ff2b9b823b1e97565026d5dea0f1/discovery/local>Hmmm,
>>  the service is really hosted on another server so the properties below 
>> should still work. No?
>     <property name="endpoint.id 
> <http://endpoint.id/>">http://my.server.com:8088/services/MyService/ 
> <http://my.server.com:8088/services/MyService/></property>
>     <property name="service.imported.configs">org.apache.cxf.ws</property>

If you’re trying to “discover” a remote service based on this XML then you need 
the local discovery extender to be installed in the *client* framework. This is 
how the client RSA will find out that there is a service at the end of the URL. 
You don’t need the local discovery extender on the server side as there isn’t a 
service to discover and import. The example given for the Aries discovery 
provider just shows an example of the XML structure, obviously it needs to be 
complete from the perspective of the exporting provider.

>>  and a description of the local discovery extender 
>> <https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/service.remoteserviceadmin.html#i1889341>I
>>  assume you are referring to 122.9.1 I presume? So I should add that to the 
>> remote-services bundle manifest.

That is an important part of setting up the endpoint bundle.

> Thanks,
> Erwin
>> Note that you can require a local discovery extender using the 
>> osgi.remoteserviceadmin.discovery 
>> <https://osgi.org/specification/osgi.cmpn/7.0.0/service.remoteserviceadmin.html#d0e92642>
>>  namespace and the “local” protocol.
>> Best Regards,
>> Tim
>>> On 5 Nov 2018, at 00:53, Erwin Hogeweg <erwin.hoge...@me.com 
>>> <mailto:erwin.hoge...@me.com>> wrote:
>>> So for a second there I thought I was close. It appears that I am still 
>>> very lost though…
>>> Below the ‘details’ of the project. I stripped the feature down to only 2 
>>> bundles, an API bundle and a remote-services bundle.
>>> <!-- cxf-dosgi.version = 2.3.0 -->
>>> <!-- aries-rsa.version = 1.11.0 -->
>>> <repository>mvn:org.apache.cxf.dosgi/cxf-dosgi/${cxf-dosgi.version}/xml/features</repository>
>>> <repository>mvn:org.apache.aries.rsa/rsa-features/${aries-rsa.version}/xml/features</repository>
>>>     <feature name="automation-service-consumer" version="${pom.version}">
>>>         <feature version="${cxf-dosgi.version}" 
>>> dependency="true">cxf-dosgi-provider-ws</feature>
>>>         <feature version="${aries-rsa.version}" 
>>> dependency="true">aries-rsa-discovery-local</feature>
>>>         <!--  We don't use zookeeper but a remote-services file instead. -->
>>>         <!-- feature>aries-rsa-discovery-zookeeper</feature-->
>>>     </feature>
>>> <bundle>mvn:my.server/my.automation.remoteservices/5.1.0-SNAPSHOT</bundle>
>>>             <bundle>mvn:my.server/my.automation/5.1.0-SNAPSHOT</bundle>
>>>     </feature>
>>> And a very basic distro pom.xml
>>>     <plugin>
>>>             <groupId>org.apache.karaf.tooling</groupId>
>>>             <artifactId>karaf-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>>>             <version>${karaf.version}</version>
>>>             <extensions>true</extensions>
>>>             <configuration>
>>>                     <installedFeatures>
>>>                     </installedFeatures>
>>>                     <startupFeatures>
>>>                     </startupFeatures>
>>>                     <bootFeatures>
>>>                             <feature>standard</feature>
>>>                             <feature>wrap</feature>
>>>                             <feature>feature</feature>
>>>                             <feature>shell</feature>
>>>                             <feature>deployer</feature>
>>>                             <feature>scr</feature>
>>>                             <feature>deployer</feature>
>>>                             <feature>bundle</feature>
>>>                             <feature>config</feature>
>>>                             <feature>diagnostic</feature>
>>>                             <feature>instance</feature>
>>>                             <feature>jaas</feature>
>>>                             <feature>log</feature>
>>>                             <feature>package</feature>
>>>                             <feature>service</feature>
>>>                             <feature>system</feature>
>>>                             <feature>kar</feature>
>>>                             <feature>ssh</feature>
>>>                             <feature>management</feature>
>>>                             <feature>webconsole</feature>
>>>                     </bootFeatures>
>>>                     <libraries>
>>>                     </libraries>
>>>                     <javase>1.8</javase>
>>>             </configuration>
>>>     </plugin>
>>> </plugins>
>>> The remote-services.xml has only one endpoint-description
>>> <endpoint-descriptions xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/rsa/v1.0.0 
>>> <http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/rsa/v1.0.0>">
>>>     <endpoint-description>
>>>     <property name="objectClass">
>>>       <array>
>>>         <value>my.automation.MyService</value>
>>>       </array>
>>>     </property>
>>>     <property name="endpoint.id 
>>> <http://endpoint.id/>">http://my.server.com:8088/services/MyService/ 
>>> <http://my.server.com:8088/services/MyService/></property>
>>>     <property name="service.imported.configs">org.apache.cxf.ws</property>
>>>   </endpoint-description>
>>> </endpoint-descriptions>
>>> rsa:enpoints doesn’t return anything.
>>> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Ewin
>>>> On Nov 4, 2018, at 17:01, Erwin Hogeweg <erwin.hoge...@me.com 
>>>> <mailto:erwin.hoge...@me.com>> wrote:
>>>> Ah ok thanks. I’ll dig a little deeper then.
>>>> Erwin
>>>>> On Nov 4, 2018, at 16:56, Christian Schneider <ch...@die-schneider.net 
>>>>> <mailto:ch...@die-schneider.net>> wrote:
>>>>> Not sure if this is the same thing.
>>>>> The service decoration namespace is used to export existing services (as 
>>>>> far as I recall). The rsa 1.0.0 namespace is used to import a remote 
>>>>> service when you do not use a full discovery. 
>>>>> The cxf namespace is still present in this module:
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/cxf-dosgi/tree/master/decorator 
>>>>> <https://github.com/apache/cxf-dosgi/tree/master/decorator> 
>>>>> Normally you do not need it though as you can set the necessary service 
>>>>> properties directly on your service to be exported.
>>>>> Christian
>>>>> Am So., 4. Nov. 2018 um 22:40 Uhr schrieb Erwin Hogeweg 
>>>>> <erwin.hoge...@me.com <mailto:erwin.hoge...@me.com>>:
>>>>> Hi Christian, Thanks for your reply.
>>>>> I believe I just found the issue. I ran into this line of code in the 
>>>>> DecorationParser:
>>>>>   return ns.equals("http://cxf.apache.org/xmlns/service-decoration/1.0.0 
>>>>> <http://cxf.apache.org/xmlns/service-decoration/1.0.0>”);
>>>>> My namespace says:
>>>>>   http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/rsa/v1.0.0 
>>>>> <http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/rsa/v1.0.0> 
>>>>> So that is not going to work. Looks like the format of the 
>>>>> remote-services file changed somewhere between 1.7.0 and 2.3.0.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Erwin
>>>>>> On Nov 4, 2018, at 15:26, Christian Schneider <ch...@die-schneider.net 
>>>>>> <mailto:ch...@die-schneider.net>> wrote:
>>>>>> Remote service xml should still work. See 
>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/aries-rsa/blob/master/discovery/local/Readme.md
>>>>>> <https://github.com/apache/aries-rsa/blob/master/discovery/local/Readme.md>
>>>>>>  .
>>>>>> Do you have some sample code in git to look at? Some snippets might also 
>>>>>> help.
>>>>>> One other thing you could try is to install the zookeeper discovery just 
>>>>>> to see if it would work.
>>>>>> You can also try to see if your endpoints are visible by using the 
>>>>>> rsa:endpoints command.
>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>> Am So., 4. Nov. 2018 um 18:35 Uhr schrieb Erwin Hogeweg 
>>>>>> <erwin.hoge...@me.com <mailto:erwin.hoge...@me.com>>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> We are upgrading a ‘plain’ OSGi app to Karaf-4.2.x. That went well until 
>>>>>> we got stuck on the DOSGi part. In the existing app we use CXF-3.1.1 and 
>>>>>> DOSGi-1.7.0, with remote-services.xml file. 
>>>>>> We tried about everything but the proxy service is never created. We 
>>>>>> also checked out the DOSGi samples, but they use the zookeeper. Is 
>>>>>> DOSGi-2.3.0 still supposed to work with the remote-service.xml file?
>>>>>> In a desperate dash to make this work I installed about every CXF 
>>>>>> feature that seemed to make sense (below) but to no avail.
>>>>>> I am sure it is something obvious, but it hasn’t dawned on us yet. Any 
>>>>>> suggestions or pointer do documentation would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Erwin
>>>>>> karaf@root()> feature:list | grep -i cxf
>>>>>> cxf-specs                            │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-jaxb                             │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-abdera                           │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> wss4j                                │ 2.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-core                             │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-commands                         │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-wsdl                             │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-ws-policy                        │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-ws-addr                          │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-ws-rm                            │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-ws-mex                           │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-ws-security                      │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-rt-security                      │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-rt-security-saml                 │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-http-client                      │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-http                             │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-http-provider                    │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-http-jetty                       │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-http-async                       │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-http-netty-client                │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-http-netty-server                │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-http-undertow                    │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-bindings-soap                    │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-jaxws                            │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-jaxrs                            │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-rs-security-xml                  │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-rs-security-sso-saml             │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-rs-security-cors                 │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-rs-security-oauth                │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-rs-security-jose                 │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-rs-security-oauth2               │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-jackson                          │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-jsr-json                         │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-tracing-brave                    │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-rs-description-swagger2          │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-databinding-aegis                │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-databinding-jaxb                 │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-features-clustering              │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-features-logging                 │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-features-throttling              │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-features-metrics                 │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-bindings-corba                   │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-bindings-coloc                   │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-transports-local                 │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-transports-jms                   │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-transports-udp                   │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-transports-websocket-client      │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-transports-websocket-server      │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-javascript                       │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-frontend-javascript              │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-xjc-runtime                      │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-tools                            │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf                                  │ 3.2.0            │ x        │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-sts                              │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-wsn-api                          │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-wsn                              │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-ws-discovery-api                 │ 3.2.0            │ x        │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-ws-discovery                     │ 3.2.0            │ x        │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-bean-validation-core             │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-bean-validation                  │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-jaxrs-cdi                        │ 3.2.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-3.2.0                         │
>>>>>> cxf-dosgi-common                     │ 2.3.0            │ x        │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-dosgi-2.3.0                   │
>>>>>> cxf-dosgi-provider-ws                │ 2.3.0            │ x        │ 
>>>>>> Started     │ cxf-dosgi-2.3.0                   │
>>>>>> cxf-dosgi-provider-rs                │ 2.3.0            │          │ 
>>>>>> Uninstalled │ cxf-dosgi-2.3.0 
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Christian Schneider
>>>>>> http://www.liquid-reality.de <http://www.liquid-reality.de/>
>>>>>> Computer Scientist
>>>>>> http://www.adobe.com <http://www.adobe.com/>
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Christian Schneider
>>>>> http://www.liquid-reality.de <http://www.liquid-reality.de/>
>>>>> Computer Scientist
>>>>> http://www.adobe.com <http://www.adobe.com/>

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