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I am pretty sure I have seen a discussion here re. Karaf, 
javax.xml.bind.annotation and Java 8. I can’t find the thread anymore though.

The issue I am running into is this:

        missing requirement [] 

Obviously that is because the jre-1.8 section in specifies 2.2.8.

If I change that section to:

        javax.xml.bind;version="2.3.0", \
        javax.xml.bind.annotation;version="2.3.0", \
        javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters;version="2.3.0", \
        javax.xml.bind.attachment;version="2.3.0", \
        javax.xml.bind.helpers;version="2.3.0", \
        javax.xml.bind.util;version="2.3.0", \
Everything is fine again. I assume I can also find a 2.3.0 api bundle and 
include that in my distro. Haven’t tried that yet.

Couple of questions remain…

1. Where does that 2.3.0 dependency come from when I compile against 
2. Is this the right approach, if not, what is the recommended way? 

Thanks as always,


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