CTRL-C just works fine in Karaf commands (including the one creating thread 
like log:tail).

So, your use case is about intercepting CTRL-C yourself, right ? What’s the use 
case you want to achieve ?


> Le 14 mars 2020 à 18:26, Mike Hummel <m...@mhus.de> a écrit :
> Looks like it's not possible to block the ctrl-c event. It's implemented in 
> felix gogo shell ans since every cmd (in a pipe) is executed in a separate 
> thread it's not clear witch one should do the interruption control
> Maybe the feature "IGNORE_INTERRUPS" should not be offered.
> But felix should inform the commands if the execution is canceled. For 
> example by checking for the Closeable interface and calling the close() 
> method.
>> On 14. Mar 2020, at 11:09, Jean-Baptiste Onofre <j...@nanthrax.net 
>> <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net>> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> Let me take a look.
>> Thanks for the report.
>> Regards
>> JB
>>> Le 14 mars 2020 à 09:03, Mike Hummel <m...@mhus.de <mailto:m...@mhus.de>> a 
>>> écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> I did a little bit research for IGNORE_INTERRUPTS in the karaf sources. I 
>>> found in master and karaf-4.2.x the same results.
>>> The const is defined in 'Sessio'n and 'SessionProperties', but only used 
>>> from 'Session'.
>>> It is only used to enable the behaviour but never used to implement some 
>>> kind of behaviour.
>>> Is there someone how can can prove this? And what is the background for two 
>>> definitions of the same const? If I have the background I could look for a 
>>> fix.
>>> Just now I created KARAF-6645 to track the problem.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Mike
>>>> On 5. Mar 2020, at 09:53, Mike Hummel <m...@mhus.de <mailto:m...@mhus.de>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> It's not easy to say ... In 4.2.3 it's broken and in 4.1.x it was ok.
>>>> I testet the flag IGNORE_INTERRUPTS in 4.2.7 and it was not working as I 
>>>> imagine. I'm even not sure if the flag is exact what I want to do.
>>>>> On 4. Mar 2020, at 09:18, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@apache.org 
>>>>> <mailto:gno...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>>>> Could you be more specific about "older releases" ? Do you know in which 
>>>>> release it broke ?
>>>>> Le mer. 4 mars 2020 à 09:14, Mike Hummel <m...@mhus.de 
>>>>> <mailto:m...@mhus.de>> a écrit :
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I try to break my karaf commands with Ctrl-C (e.g. by using 
>>>>> Thread.sleep()). In older releases this was no problem, but since the 
>>>>> shell starts every command in a separate thread the Cltr-C is also caught 
>>>>> by gogo and it will unlock the command from the console.
>>>>> I also tried this
>>>>>             session.put(Session.IGNORE_INTERRUPTS, Boolean.TRUE);
>>>>> but it gets not the effect.
>>>>> Is there a way to recognise if the current command is separated from the 
>>>>> current gogo command line?
>>>>> A sample snipped:
>>>>>         Object oldIgnoreInterrupts = 
>>>>> session.get(Session.IGNORE_INTERRUPTS);
>>>>>         try {
>>>>>             session.put(Session.IGNORE_INTERRUPTS, Boolean.TRUE);
>>>>>             return doExecute(this, cmd, parameters);
>>>>>         } finally {
>>>>>             session.put(Session.IGNORE_INTERRUPTS, oldIgnoreInterrupts);
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     public Object doExecute(CmdShitYo base, String cmd, String[] 
>>>>> parameters) throws Exception {
>>>>>         if (cmd.equals("ctrl-c")) {
>>>>>             try {
>>>>>                 while (true) {
>>>>>                     System.out.println("Wait for Ctrl-C - off");
>>>>>                     MThread.sleep(3000);
>>>>>                 }
>>>>>             } catch (InterruptedException e) {
>>>>>                 System.out.println("Interrupted !!!!");
>>>>>             }
>>>>>         }
>>>>>    }
>>>>> MThread:
>>>>>     public static void sleep(long _millisec) {
>>>>>         try {
>>>>>             Thread.sleep(_millisec);
>>>>>         } catch (InterruptedException e) {
>>>>>             log.i(e);
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> This will output
>>>>> Wait for Ctrl-C - off
>>>>> Wait for Ctrl-C - on
>>>>> Wait for Ctrl-C - off
>>>>> Wait for Ctrl-C - on
>>>>> ...
>>>>> If I interrupt, it will be separated from gogo shell and iterate for 
>>>>> ever. - And I see the interrupted exception in the log.
>>>>> Thx,
>>>>> Mike
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> ------------------------
>>>>> Guillaume Nodet

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