What do you think about a small example/tooling addition to simplify this ?

By the way, a bit related, I will send updates and details about Karaf DevX by 
the end of this week. Stay tuned ;) 


> Le 14 avr. 2020 à 14:58, Alex Soto <alex.s...@envieta.com> a écrit :
> I am working now on a similar task. I have pre-populated the maven repository 
> directory (~/.m2/repository) from the container that made the build (I am 
> using multi-stage images),  and set
>               org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.localRepository=/root/.m2/repository
> In `etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg`.   
> Is there anything else I need to make the image self contained?  JB, can you 
> elaborate about your reference to the system folder?
> Best regards,
> Alex soto
>> On Apr 14, 2020, at 2:13 AM, Jean-Baptiste Onofre <j...@nanthrax.net 
>> <mailto:j...@nanthrax.net>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For the startup, you can already populate the system folder (by hand or 
>> using mvn deploy:deploy-file or mvn install:install-file).
>> That’s what I’m doing in docker image preparation.
>> Regards
>> JB
>>> Le 13 avr. 2020 à 21:09, Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no <mailto:s...@dod.no>> a 
>>> écrit :
>>> I have successfully created a docker image for my demo application based
>>> on the official karaf 4.2.8 docker hub image.
>>> Here's what I did:
>>> 1. Copied etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg from a karaf 4.2.8 instance,
>>>   and added my own maven repo
>>> https://gist.github.com/steinarb/62a070f6481d3e84c334a78f1c771e80#file-org-ops4j-pax-url-mvn-cfg-L113
>>> <https://gist.github.com/steinarb/62a070f6481d3e84c334a78f1c771e80#file-org-ops4j-pax-url-mvn-cfg-L113>
>>> 2. Copied org.apache.karaf.features.cfg and added the feature repo of
>>>   the sample application
>>> https://gist.github.com/steinarb/fec331bcd37a0a7bdba850d33fcd0555#file-org-apache-karaf-features-cfg-L28
>>> <https://gist.github.com/steinarb/fec331bcd37a0a7bdba850d33fcd0555#file-org-apache-karaf-features-cfg-L28>
>>>   and added the sample application to the list of boot features
>>> https://gist.github.com/steinarb/fec331bcd37a0a7bdba850d33fcd0555#file-org-apache-karaf-features-cfg-L52
>>> <https://gist.github.com/steinarb/fec331bcd37a0a7bdba850d33fcd0555#file-org-apache-karaf-features-cfg-L52>
>>> 3. Created a Dockerfile adding to the official docker hub karaf 4.2.8
>>>   image, copying in the two modified config files
>>> https://gist.github.com/steinarb/444ad82a63dcf156101a064666ed590c#file-dockerfile-L1
>>> <https://gist.github.com/steinarb/444ad82a63dcf156101a064666ed590c#file-dockerfile-L1>
>>> 4. Built the image from the Dockerfile
>>>    docker build -t steinarb/ukelonn-demo:v2 .
>>> 5. Started the image
>>>    docker run -p 8101:8101 -p 8181:8181 -d steinarb/ukelonn-demo:v2
>>> 6. The container took a while to start but eventually I could connect
>>>   to http://localhost:8181/ukelonn <http://localhost:8181/ukelonn> where I 
>>> found the demo version of
>>>   my application running 
>>> The downsides of this approach, are:
>>> 1. Container startup is slow since features and their dependencies must
>>>   be downloaded
>>> 2. The maven repons may not be reachable at startup time and container
>>>   startup will fail
>>> 3. What the maven repos serve may potensially not be the same on each
>>>   startup
>>> All of the above is, I guess, sort of contrary to docker philosophy,
>>> which is to pack up everything the application needs to start, so that
>>> the application can be started in a predictable and reproducable manner.
>>> However, for this particular application, this is actually what I want:
>>> I can create a docker image and deploy to docker hub, and on any docker
>>> installation that can pull from dockerhub and can reach internet, I can
>>> spin up the latest snapshot with the two commands "docker pull" and
>>> "docker run".

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