
Camel-amqp is based on JMS.

The ConnectionFactory can be registered as a service, and then you specify the 
ConnectionFactory on the URI directly:


You register the connection factory on the Camel Context (depending if you use 
Default or OSGi camel context).


> Le 10 mai 2021 à 13:49, michael e <michaelel...@outlook.fr> a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm getting in trouble trying to use camel amqp with karaf
> I have a simple route when i use parrallel processing i got  Trace: 
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: connectionFactory must be specified.
> Some messages are sended 
> from(getInput())
>             .routeId(TO_BROKER_ROUTE_ID)
>             .process().message(ToBrokerProcessor::setContextHeaders)
>             .recipientList("amqp:queue1", "amqp:queue2").parallelProcessing();
> i use jmsconnectionFactory 
> connectionFactoryType = ConnectionFactory
> name = jms/amqp
> osgi.jndi.service.name = jms/amqp
> type = artemis
> protocol = amqp
> jms.url = amqp://localhost:5672 <amqp://localhost:5672>
> jms.username = admin
> jms.password = admin
> pool = pooledjms
> xa = false
> pool.idleTimeout = 100
> pool.maxConnections = 1
> pool.blockIfSessionPoolIsFull = true
> (i use rabbitMq with amqp 1.0)
> Michael.

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