Hi Maurice,

On 7/4/2022 5:16 AM, Maurice Betzel wrote:

Good afternoon,

Some DOSGi questions appeared when researching cluster wide exported service properties propagation.

In version 4.2.1 I am observing the following behaviour on the client node if I turn off a remote service:

On startup the client node will import the remote service to the local service registry by endpoint ID via the ImportServiceListener.

I can start using the service and receive responses.

If I now stop the remote service bundle I would expect that the client would un-import the service from the local OSGi service registry.

This is not the case.

The service tracker monitoring remote services does notice the removed service but nothing else is happening.

If the client now calls the service, it will stall for about 20 seconds and then return null instead of a service not found exception.

I this the default behaviour? Is it possible to un-import the remote service if the endpoint gets removed from the Hazelcast service map?

I'm  not familiar enough with the Cellar DOSGi impl to say why you are not experiencing the expected behavior (remote service is unregistered, then clients should unimport the remote service and unregister the proxy).

I can tell you that ECF RSA impl [1] + the Hazelcast distribution provider (see [2]) does have this expected behavior.  There are instructions in the README.md for running an example app with the Hazelcast provider on Karaf (i.e. using karaf features).


[1] https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_Communication_Framework_Project

[2] https://github.com/ECF/HazelcastProvider

Met vriendelijke groet / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards,


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