>>>>> Steven Huypens <steven.huyp...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Steinar,
> The xsd stacktrace can be explained by this liquibase-issue I think :
> https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/issues/2817

> They closed it incorrectly imho

The "fix" was just changed wording in the exception message...? (unless
I'm missing something...?

If so, then I agree with you.

I know from googling that Nathan Woxland is reluctant to making XML
parsing not requiring validation (a stack overflow answer from 2010, I
think it was), so not requiring XSDs is not an option.

I have managed to make a workaround/hackaround, by slurping the
offending XSD file out of liquibase-core:
and then adding it to the resource classpath of the bundle liquibase is
executed from
(liquibase looks in www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/ on the
classpath, for the XSD files)

But with the additional require-capability
it does feel to me, like liquibase 4.x isn't very OSGi friendly... all
of this have to be done in the build config for every bundle that is to
run liquibase...

Oh well!

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