I am working on version 1.15.8-SNAPSHOT of authservice:

My problem with testing release 1.15.8-SNAPSHOT is that 1.15.7 is picked
instead, when I load feature repositories from maven using version

Version 1.15.7 is found on external repos (maven central in this case),
while 1.15.8-SNAPSHOT is built locally and installed in the local maven
cache (~/.m2/repository/).

My questions are:
 1. Are released versions being picked over SNAPSHOT releases?
 2. Is this the expected behaviour?
 3. Is there a simple way to make local feature installs pick SNAPSHOTs
    over released version?

I'm running on karaf 4.4.3 on java 17 (openjdk) on debian 12 "bookworm"
on amd64.

- Steinar

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