Hi Paul,

I am looking for a way to find which bundles are importing packages from a 
*given* bundle.

In karaf 2.x, if I have a bundle dependency network in which both bundles 1 and 
2 import a package exported from bundle 3, this command shows me exactly which 
bundles depend on 3 (i.e., 1 and 2):

karaf> exports -i 3
 ID Packages                   Imported by
 3  org.foo.bar; version=1.0   Bundle One (1)
 3  org.foo.baz; version=1.0   Bundle Two (2)

In karaf 4.x, so far I cannot duplicate this.  The best I have found is to use 
“tree-show” on every bundle and search/grep for the bundle 3 that I care about. 
 The “imports” command only shows me the packages, not the bundles satisfying 
them.  I am open to suggestions for recovering the functionality loss.


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