Hello Paul,
I believe you might face issues with jakarta vs javax namespaces. There is a ongoing move from javax to jakarta and some of well known annotations might be missing at runtime. Please double check if your runtime consist of javax.annotation.security package.


On 19.01.2024 20:41, Paul Spencer wrote:
Karaf 4.4.5
I am looking to implement security on a REST endpoint

@Component(service = MessageLog.class)
public class MessageLog {
     private static final Logger LOGGER = 

     public Response getMessageLog() {

When I added @DeclareRoles("message-view") @RolesAllowed("message-view") 
installing the bundle results in

Error executing command: Unable to resolve com.foo.msg-rest [162](R 162.1): missing requirement 
[foo.bar.msg-rest [162](R 162.1)] osgi.wiring.package; 
Unresolved requirements: [[foo.bar.msg-rest [162](R 162.1)] osgi.wiring.package; 

I suspect this because I have not installed a required feature or bundle.  What 
is the the required feature or bundle?

Paul Spencer

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