Hello everyone,
I have recently set up Jasypt encryption with my Apache Karaf 4.4.1 instance. I 
was able to successfully encrypt and retrieve data in my Blueprint XML files 
using the following configuration:
jasypt-encryptor.xml (placed in the deploy folder):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint ...>

    <bean id="standardPBEStringEncryptor" 
        <property name="config">
                <property name="algorithm" value="PBEWithHmacSHA256AndAES_256"/>
                <property name="password" value="$[jasypt.master.password]"/>
                <property name="ivGenerator">
                    <bean class="org.jasypt.iv.RandomIvGenerator"/>

    <!-- Register the Encryptor Service -->
    <service ref="standardPBEStringEncryptor" 

    <!-- Property Placeholder Configuration -->
    <ext:property-placeholder placeholder-prefix="$[" placeholder-suffix="]">


This setup allows me to decrypt data in my Blueprint XML files:
ldap-module.xml (also in the deploy folder):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint ...>

    <jaas:config name="karaf" rank="1">
className="org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.ldap.LDAPLoginModule" flags="required">
            connection.url = ${connection.url}
            connection.username= ${ldap.user}
            connection.password= ${ldap.password}

    <cm:property-placeholder persistent-id="p_ldap"/>
    <cm:property-placeholder persistent-id="p_stores" placeholder-prefix="$|" 
    <ext:property-placeholder placeholder-prefix="$[" placeholder-suffix="]"/>
    <jaas:keystore name="ks" path="file:$[karaf.etc]/server/truststore.jks" 

    <reference id="encryptorService" 
    <enc:property-placeholder encryptor-ref="encryptorService"/>


This configuration allows me to retrieve my encrypted properties correctly 
(e.g., ldap.password="ENC(encrypted_password)").
However, I am facing difficulties applying the same ENC(...) method in my 
org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg file to decrypt keystore and truststore passwords. It 
appears that I haven't specified anywhere that the decryptor should be used for 
these configurations. I am experiencing a similar issue with my 
org.ops4j.datasource-x.cfg files, which register as datasources in my Apache 
Karaf instance.
I've reviewed the Karaf documentation and other resources but haven't found a 
clear solution to this problem. Does anyone have experience or insights on how 
to resolve this issue? Specifically, how can I configure my setup to use the 
Jasypt decryptor for these .cfg files?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Best regards

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