Hi Steinar

as replied on the shiro mailing list, I gonna take a look.


On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 7:54 PM Steinar Bang <s...@dod.no> wrote:
> I am trying to get shiro 2.x (snapshot built from the current main)
> working in karaf:
>  https://lists.apache.org/thread/b7lr44sqc352s4yx65xrjkf25jvhfr92
> The current problem is a class not found when parsing the INI files.
> The INI files are parsed in Shiro filters started as a web whiteboard
> filters:
> https://github.com/steinarb/oldalbum/blob/master/oldalbum.web.security/src/main/java/no/priv/bang/oldalbum/web/security/OldAlbumShiroFilter.java#L39
> with web contexts defined with web whiteboard ServletContextHelper
> https://github.com/steinarb/oldalbum/blob/master/oldalbum.web.security/src/main/java/no/priv/bang/oldalbum/web/security/OldAlbumServletContextHelper.java#L22
> Anyone with an idea for a fix is welcome to chime in! :-)
> (the current code works with shiro 1.13)
> And yeah I haven't said so yet on the shiro thread, but I'm using Java
> 17 on debian 12.5 (amd64) and currently on karaf 4.4.5.
> - Steinar

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