Hello Larry,

hadoop-jwt cookie is not set. Isnt this for JWT provider?
In SSO provider with pac4j, I can see cookies like:
pac4j.session.pac4jRequestedUrl, pac4j.session.oidcStateAttribute,
pac4j.session.oidcNonceAttribute etc.

IP address and hostnames are mapped, else the *basic auth* also would have
My issue is only when I use pac4j with Oidc client and Azure AD.

On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:11 PM, larry mccay <lmc...@apache.org> wrote:

> It looks like you may be using ip addresses for your Knox URLs - to
> webhdfs.
> In order to rule out cookie related issue can you do a couple things:
> 1. check whether a cookie called hadoop-jwt is actually set in your browser
> 2. if not, you may want to set an actual domain in your /etc/hosts or
> something that you can reference - I use www.local.com to map to localhost
> I think that ip address should work for this case actually but there are
> differences in browsers that might not let it.
> Also, if you had another service on another ip address, the browser would
> not present the cookie - so this is good to be aware of anyway.
> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 8:55 AM, Sandeep Moré <moresand...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Nisha,
>> Can you share details of "mycluster" topology ? also, can you turn up the
>> logs to debug and share them along with the audit log that would help us to
>> understand the problem better.
>> Best,
>> Sandeep
>> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 3:16 AM, Nisha Menon <nisha.meno...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have setup KNOX to connect with Azure AD using pac4j.
>>> However, after the authentication at Azure login page, it gets into an
>>> infinite loop and does not give back the original REST call response.
>>> *Details:*
>>> 1. I try to access the original URL eg: 
>>> *https://x.x.2.3:8442/gateway/mycluster/webhdfs/v1/user?op=LISTSTATUS
>>> <https://x.x.2.3:8442/gateway/mycluster/webhdfs/v1/user?op=LISTSTATUS>*
>>> 2. It redirects to *https://**login.microsoftonline.com
>>> <http://login.microsoftonline.com/>* and asks for credentials.
>>> 3. After successful login at Azure login page, it redirects to 
>>> *http://x.x.2.3:8442/gateway/knoxsso/api/v1/websso
>>> <http://x.x.2.3:8442/gateway/knoxsso/api/v1/websso>* with code, session
>>> and state variables passed as below:
>>> *https://x.x.2.3:8442/gateway/knoxsso/api/v1/websso?code=AQABAAIAAABHh4k***********************LFFm7C9cIShE7nggAA&state=5dzTZBYhEVDBrA*****************GZRNfANGb5ls&session_state=42f2447b-621***********790eaa2d18
>>> <https://x.x.2.3:8442/gateway/knoxsso/api/v1/websso?code=AQABAAIAAABHh4k***********************LFFm7C9cIShE7nggAA&state=5dzTZBYhEVDBrA*****************GZRNfANGb5ls&session_state=42f2447b-621***********790eaa2d18>*
>>> 2. Following this call, it *again *calls the *login.microsoftonline.com
>>> <http://login.microsoftonline.com/>* like below:
>>> *https://login.microsoftonline.com/f82969ba-b***********c1d0557a/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=385*******3-a4bdceaa34&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fx.x.2.3%3A8442%2Fgateway%2Fknoxsso%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fwebsso%3Fpac4jCallback%3Dtrue%26client_name%3DOidcClient≻ope=openid+profile+email&state=5dzTZBYhEVDBrAInao9VHDRd33uiRp-GZRNfANGb5ls&nonce=BvCUroM7_aKFjmbLYxaxbS0Mq9SJ8If0CUpITEGB-bw
>>> <https://login.microsoftonline.com/f82969ba-b***********c1d0557a/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=385*******3-a4bdceaa34&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fx.x.2.3%3A8442%2Fgateway%2Fknoxsso%2Fapi%2Fv1%2Fwebsso%3Fpac4jCallback%3Dtrue%26client_name%3DOidcClient%E2%89%BBope=openid+profile+email&state=5dzTZBYhEVDBrAInao9VHDRd33uiRp-GZRNfANGb5ls&nonce=BvCUroM7_aKFjmbLYxaxbS0Mq9SJ8If0CUpITEGB-bw>*
>>> After this, step 1 and 2 alternate several times and finally lands up in
>>> This is my knoxsso.xml:
>>>    1. <topology>
>>>    2.           <gateway>
>>>    3.               <provider>
>>>    4.                   <role>webappsec</role>
>>>    5.                   <name>WebAppSec</name>
>>>    6.                   <enabled>true</enabled>
>>>    7.                   
>>> <param><name>xframe.options.enabled</name><value>true</value></param>
>>>    8.               </provider>
>>>    9.               <provider>
>>>    10.                   <role>federation</role>
>>>    11.                   <name>pac4j</name>
>>>    12.                   <enabled>true</enabled>
>>>    13.                   <param>
>>>    14.                     <name>pac4j.callbackUrl</name>
>>>    15.                     
>>> <value>https://x.x.2.3:8442/gateway/knoxsso/api/v1/websso</value>
>>>    16.                   </param>
>>>    17.                   <param>
>>>    18.                     <name>clientName</name>
>>>    19.                     <value>OidcClient</value>
>>>    20.                   </param>
>>>    21.                   <param>
>>>    22.                     <name>oidc.id</name>
>>>    23.                     <value>385c2bc*****************2695eaa34</value>
>>>    24.                   </param>
>>>    25.                   <param>
>>>    26.                     <name>oidc.secret</name>
>>>    27.                     
>>> <value>Y30wOwM88BY************vYmPp8KMyDY2W+o=</value>
>>>    28.                   </param>
>>>    29.                   <param>
>>>    30.                     <name>oidc.discoveryUri</name>
>>>    31.                     
>>> <value>https://login.microsoftonline.com/f82969***********1d0557a/.well-known/openid-configuration</value>
>>>    32.                   </param>
>>>    33.               </provider>
>>>    34.               <provider>
>>>    35.                   <role>identity-assertion</role>
>>>    36.                   <name>Default</name>
>>>    37.                   <enabled>true</enabled>
>>>    38.               </provider>
>>>    39.           </gateway>
>>>    40.           <application>
>>>    41.             <name>knoxauth</name>
>>>    42.           </application>
>>>    43.           <service>
>>>    44.               <role>KNOXSSO</role>
>>>    45.               <param>
>>>    46.                   <name>knoxsso.cookie.secure.only</name>
>>>    47.                   <value>false</value>
>>>    48.               </param>
>>>    49.               <param>
>>>    50.                   <name>knoxsso.token.ttl</name>
>>>    51.                   <value>30000</value>
>>>    52.               </param>
>>>    53.               <param>
>>>    54.                  <name>knoxsso.redirect.whitelist.regex</name>
>>>    55.                  
>>> <value>^https?:\/\/(dap-e0|x\.x\.2\.3|127\.0\.0\.1|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1|::1):[0-9].*$/value>
>>>    56.               </param>
>>>    57.           </service>
>>>    58.       </topology>
>>> I tried using response_type "id_token", enabling nonces, knoxsso.secure
>>> to true, preferredJwsAlgorithm as RS256 etc. Nothing helps.
>>> gateway-audit.log when redirection error starts:
>>>    1. 18/02/15 12:38:02 
>>> ||7a66725e-6d9d-4ef5-9017-2b52d7d15ccf|audit|KNOXSSO||||access|uri|/gateway/knoxsso/api/v1/websso?code=AQABAAIAAABHh4kmS_a**********************_WuZRkgVKneLpp83HnSlcntEbAmAgAA&state=0n7h1Y2LTz_**************99P92pZonRN-c&session_state=f0ac55a1-4***********-53e3e126b40e|success|Response
>>>  status: 302
>>> It clearly shows Response status as "302" and not "200". This leads to
>>> redirection!
>>> What could I be missing here? Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
>>> Regards
>>> Nisha
> Regards

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