I experience the same. It appears to be a problem with the websockets (ws:// or 
wss://) connections.

Sean Roberts

From: Lian Jiang <jiangok2...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: "user@knox.apache.org" <user@knox.apache.org>
Date: Friday, 17 August 2018 at 18:05
To: "user@knox.apache.org" <user@knox.apache.org>
Subject: Re: HDP 3.0: zeppelin via knox shows empty page


Thanks for reply.

I directly deployed a HDP3.0 cluster instead of upgrading a 2.6 cluster. Thanks.

On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 9:57 AM larry mccay 
<lmc...@apache.org<mailto:lmc...@apache.org>> wrote:
Hi -

Did you happen to upgrade the 2.6 cluster to 3.0?
If so, this may be due to the versioned data directory not getting the updated 
service definition for zeppelin.

Locate the previous version and the new version data directories and track down 
the zeppelin service definitions within data/services/zeppelin and compare the 
rewrite rules.



On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 12:53 PM, Lian Jiang 
<jiangok2...@gmail.com<mailto:jiangok2...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I installed HDP3.0 using ambari 2.7 blueprint. All components show green in 
ambari UI. I also can load zeppelin by directly accessing 9995 port. However, I 
cannot load zeppelin via knox (show empty page) and below is the log in 

2018-08-17 16:48:58,286 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /zeppelin/app.3117255b2162669ac38b.css

2018-08-17 16:48:58,656 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /jax/input/TeX/config.js

2018-08-17 16:48:58,657 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /jax/output/HTML-CSS/config.js

2018-08-17 16:48:58,657 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /extensions/tex2jax.js

2018-08-17 16:48:58,911 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /components/navbar/navbar.html

2018-08-17 16:48:58,911 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /app/notebook/shortcut.html

2018-08-17 16:48:58,913 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /components/note-create/note-create.html

2018-08-17 16:48:58,915 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /components/note-import/note-import.html

2018-08-17 16:48:58,916 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /components/login/login.html

2018-08-17 16:48:58,917 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /components/note-rename/note-rename.html

2018-08-17 16:48:59,099 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /app/home/home.html

2018-08-17 16:49:00,089 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /extensions/MathMenu.js

2018-08-17 16:49:01,089 WARN  knox.gateway (GatewayFilter.java:doFilter(185)) - 
Failed to match path /extensions/MathZoom.js

By using the same blueprint zeppelin worked via knox in HDP2.6 and ambari 2.6. 
Any idea? Appreciate any clue.

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