In that case you might have to build the jar yourself or preferably use
your custom dispatch similar to URLDecodingDispatch.


On Wednesday, September 5, 2018, Theyaa Matti <> wrote:

> Sorry 0.12.0
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 2:30 PM Theyaa Matti <> wrote:
>> I am using Knox 1.12.0
>> On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 2:28 PM Sandeep Moré <>
>> wrote:
>>> You can try using "org.apache.knox.gateway.dispatch.URLDecodingDispatch"
>>> dispatch in service.xml ( Knox 1.1.0)
>>> Best,
>>> Sandeep
>>> On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 2:09 PM Theyaa Matti <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I am having issues with Knox encoding the following URL when parsing
>>>> html content.
>>>> /proxy/application_222233323323_0001/stages/stage?id=0&amp;attempt=0
>>>> This URL is generated by Yarn to track a running spark job. When
>>>> applying regular rules to the above URL, Knox encodes the URL to:
>>>> /proxy/application_222233323323_0001/stages/stage?amp%3Battempt=0&id=0
>>>> Which makes the URL unusable and leads to a 404. To make the URL work I
>>>> have to remove "amp%3B" and then it works.
>>>> Below are the filter and the rule I am using for this URL and I
>>>> appreciate your help/comments for a remediation.
>>>> <filter name="YARNUI/yarn/outbound/apps1">
>>>>     <content type="*/html">
>>>>         <apply path="/proxy/[^']+/stages/stage[^']*" 
>>>> rule="YARNUI/yarn/outbound/apps/history3"/>
>>>>     </content>
>>>> </filter>
>>>> <rule dir="OUT" name="YARNUI/yarn/outbound/apps/history3">
>>>>     <match pattern="/proxy/{*}/stages/stage?{**}"/>
>>>>     <rewrite template="{$frontend[url]}/yarn/proxy/{*}/stages/stage?{**}"/>
>>>> </rule>
>>>> Thank you for your help.

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